hoopoe group
policy privacy

This privacy policy is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j.
Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions also implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Before using www.dudek-group.pl, users should read the Privacy Policy. The privacy policy defines the principles of processing and protection of personal data of persons using www.dudek-group.pl.
The privacy policy was established in accordance with Art. 13 para. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: RODO).
Data Protection Administrator
The administrator of your personal data is Stolarstwo Import- Export Dudek H&H Sp. j. based in Kotórz Mały, 46-045 Kotórz Mały, ul. Opolska 48, registered in the National Court Register, conducted by the District Court in Opole, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register Number 0000087523, NIP: 9910059377.
Contacting the Personal Data Administrator
E-mail address through which the Administrator can be contacted: ado@dudek-hh.pl
Data collected
The data collected by the Administrator includes: name, surname, name – in the case of a company, TIN, business address, delivery address, login and password.
Storage of personal data
Your personal data will be stored for a period of 6 years, and collected in connection with the transactions carried out. On the other hand, your personal data recorded in the accounting records will be kept for the period indicated in applicable laws, including tax laws.
Processing of personal data – rights
Subject to restrictions under the RODO and other laws, you have the right to access the content of your personal data and the right to rectify, erase, restrict processing, the right to portability of personal data, the right to object, and the right to withdraw consent at any time if processing is based on your consent.
You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.
To the extent necessary to perform the contract concluded by Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j. for the provision of services offered by Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j, as well as to the extent necessary for Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j. to take action at your request and to the extent necessary for Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j. to fulfill the legal obligation incumbent on Stolarstwo Import – Export Dudek H&H Sp. j. – the processing of your personal data takes place on the basis of a provision of law, i.e. Article 6(1)(b) and (c) RODO. Providing personal data is voluntary, however, refusal to provide data may result in refusal to process your order.
Security of personal data
The Administrator declares that it provides appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data processing. In addition, personal data is secured against unauthorized access, processing of personal data in violation of the law, and alteration, loss or destruction. Processing of personal data is carried out only by authorized employees of the Administrator.